The legend of the flying foxes in Tonga tells the story of a young boy named Maui who was known for his mischievous ways. One day, Maui’s mother tasked him with catching some birds for a feast, but Maui struggled to catch any of the elusive creatures.
Frustrated, Maui decided to ask the gods for help. He crafted a giant net and asked the god of the sky, Tangaloa, to help him catch some birds. To his surprise, Tangaloa instead sent a group of flying foxes, which Maui had never seen before.
Maui managed to catch several of the flying foxes and brought them back to his village, where they were roasted and served as part of the feast. However, the people of the village found the meat to be tough and unappetizing, and they complained to Maui about his poor catch.
Feeling ashamed and embarrassed, Maui decided to release the remaining flying foxes back into the wild. As he watched them fly away, he realized the error of his ways and begged Tangaloa for forgiveness. In response, Tangaloa transformed the flying foxes into beautiful creatures with golden fur and wings.
From that day on, the people of Tonga revered the flying foxes as sacred creatures, and they became an important symbol of the island’s natural beauty and cultural identity. Today, the flying foxes can still be found in Tonga and are celebrated in traditional songs, dances, and stories.